Sometimes people say the dumbest things. So dumb in fact that it makes you want to throw down some Kung-Fu on their behinds. At some point I'm sure this blog will make you feel that way.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Been a long time since I blog and rolled!

What's the difference between the people that watch Pro Wrestling and the people that watch Bill O'Rielly?

At least the people that love Pro Wrestling are smart enough to realize the show they are watching is fake and for entertainment purposes only!

Go rent the Documentary "Out Foxed", you'll see what I mean.

The day I knew I was in trouble at my last job, was the day the Senior Pastors 22 year old-no college-no job-still living at home-son came into the pastors office all excited that O'Rielly had used his email the night before. By the way the Senior Pastor responded with so much pride you might have thought his son had. . . I don't know . . . gone back to school or maybe gotten a job or even moved out of the house.

When that voice in the back of your head tells you to run, you probably should!

1 comment:

Len said...

Should I get "SuperSize Me" and make it a Double Feature? :-P