Sometimes people say the dumbest things. So dumb in fact that it makes you want to throw down some Kung-Fu on their behinds. At some point I'm sure this blog will make you feel that way.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
To "coin a phrase"?
Recently I was asked to write an article for the Indiana INTERNnet's newsletter about what we do at the Emergent Leadership Institute. Trying define what you do into the simplest terms is one of the key foundations of branding. So in an attempt to communicate ELI to a state wide readership, I came up with the following analogy. Here is the article I wrote, enjoy.
Community Access Point –
As our computers become smaller and our dependence on the Internet increases, we sometimes find ourselves in desperate search for a WAP (Wireless Access Point). These “access points” can be found at a variety of locations. More and more coffee shops, hotels, bookstores and yes, even McDonalds are offering up on ramps to the information super highway along side their normal menu of goods and services.
Similarly, services such as the Indiana INTERNnet provide young people across our state with a CAP (Community Access Point). By providing a central location to find quality internships located in Indiana, the Indiana INTERNnet becomes an access point, not only to the business community, but also to the people and neighborhoods these businesses serve. As students begin to become stakeholders in our communities through the access point of these internships, there is greater likely hood that the networks they form will begin to weave these young people into the ongoing fabric of our state.
Another such CAP is Run by the Emergent Leadership Institute (ELI), a one-year old 501c3 based in Marion County, connects high school and college students with meaningful volunteer roles around the Indianapolis area. There are over 100 diverse non-profit partners, listing over 500 volunteer positions on this site. In its first year has provided an access point for over 520 young people to become current stakeholders in the Indianapolis community.
Along with its website, ELI also provides a hands-on community access point to young people through it’s HIO Street Teams. And just like WAP’s, these Street Teams can take many forms. They can meet as after school clubs, online social networks, gatherings at coffee houses or a physical ELI staff presence on a high school or college campus. Currently these street teams serve as community access points for the students of sixteen different schools.
ELI recently became a statewide access point for young people to get involved in their community on January 15th, 2007, which is the national Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. Through a partnership with the Indiana Civil Rights Commission and Service for Peace, ELI helped create a statewide online volunteer center for MLK Day service projects at
As mobile Internet usage grows, the need for a variety of strong WAP’s also increases. The same can be said about our community. The more diverse community access points that become available to young people across our state, the stronger their ties to home will become.
So there it is. I searched Google, Yahoo and the Wikipedia and found nothing that indicates there is anyone in the non-profit field, here in the US, that is using this term to describe the programs they run. So I guess I "coined the phrase"?
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The Most Important 2 hours of TV, EVER!
I currently have two friends living and making a difference in Africa. I respect them for it, very much (You go Kate and Brian!). So when I got home today from U.S. Senator Evan Bayh's Service Leaders Summit and started to flip through the channels to unwind, it wasn't odd that I would stop on the Travel Channel.
Most of the programs on the Travel Channel are usually extremely stunning, but Bob Geldof in Africa takes you into the heart of Africa in much more than just a visual way. The western world has got to stand up, as ONE, to help an entire continent survive through to it's next generation.
Take two hours, just two hours, that you would have spent watching football, skanky housewifes or not-so-reality TV and let the world change you, so that you can change the world. Go buy the DVD or email the Travel Channel to put it on the air again.
"Thinking will allow no man to be your master", Sir Bob Geldof
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Are you slightly privileged?
"History which keeps alive the memory of people's resistance suggests new definitions of power. By traditional definitions, whoever possesses military strength, wealth, command of official ideology, cultural control, has power. Measured by these standards, popular rebellion never looks strong enough to survive.
However, the unexpected victories-even temporary ones-of insurgents show the vulnerability of the supposedly powerful. In a highly developed society, the Establishment cannot survive without the obedience and loyalty of millions of people who are given small rewards to keep the system going: the soldiers and police, teachers and ministers, administrators and social workers, technicians and production workers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, transport and communications workers, garbage men and firemen. These people-the employed, the somewhat privileged-are drawn into alliance with the elite. They become the guards of the system, buffers between the upper and lower classes. If they stop obeying, the system falls.
That will happen, I think, only when all of us who are slightly privileged and slightly uneasy begin to see what we are like the guards in the prison uprising at Attica-expendable; that the Establishment, whatever rewards it gives us, will also, if necessary to maintain control, kill us."
~Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States, Chapter 23, page 633
"What can I do to change things?" What can't you do? If Prof. Zinn is correct, the majority of the people I know in my life have all the true power. We have been doped, by the Establishment, into think we don't.
"Okay fine, but what can I DO?" I think the simplest of answers has to be: Cut down on your waste. Debt is wasted money. Cable is wasted time. Car pool to work. Share a meal between two people at a restaurant. The guards of the system live way outside their means. It is the greatest weapon the Establishment has to control us. If we all began eliminating the "waste" in our lives, they would have less control over us.
It starts TODAY. It starts with ME. It starts with US.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Are you an "open source" person?
Open Source Your Brain!
Some maybe fimiluar with the concept of "Open Source Software" (think firefox) and even fewer of you still may understand "Open Source Leadership." Well the world is changing. FAST. No matter what you do in life, to truely understand how the world is working and will work over the next several decades, you need to learn what "Open Source" means. So I have compiled a few weblinks that I think could be very useful to people wishing to learn and grow along side the world around them. They are:
Free Beer For Geeks
Bytes From Lev
Local Open Source/Space Meeting
Now that you have some knowledge about being an "Open Source" leader and what that might look like, do something with it!
"Be the change you seek in the world." Some bald guy from india
Million Dollar Website Idea #1
This would be an internet gambeling site that would take wagers on how long your new Youth Pastor was going to last at your church. You could enter all their biographical information, how they got selected to come to your church and how the last youth pastor left the church. Based on this information folks could enter a betting pool by picking the date they would either leave, get fired or "resign". Think "40 Days and 40 nights" with Josh Heartnet.
Disclaimer: This idea has nothing what so ever to do with my own personal life or the countless friends I have watched get screwed by the church (yeah right! I'm picking 9 months and 22 days for the new guy)
**** After hearing the idea, Renee wanted to add one more dimention to the site. Upon the YP being bet upons dismissel, they would recieve half the pot. The "church" isn't going to take care of them so somebody should.
I'm an every two month blogger?
Bumper sticker of the week: Seen while driving home on I-70. Car was a Honda, with a middle-aged white male driver. Plates where from Missouri.
"Vote Republican: It's easier than thinking!"
I'm an every two month blogger?
Bumper sticker of the week: Seen while driving home on I-70. Car was a Honda, with a middle-aged white male driver. Plates where from Missouri.
"Vote Republican: It's easier than thinking!"
Monday, April 17, 2006
Been a long time since I blog and rolled!
At least the people that love Pro Wrestling are smart enough to realize the show they are watching is fake and for entertainment purposes only!
Go rent the Documentary "Out Foxed", you'll see what I mean.
The day I knew I was in trouble at my last job, was the day the Senior Pastors 22 year old-no college-no job-still living at home-son came into the pastors office all excited that O'Rielly had used his email the night before. By the way the Senior Pastor responded with so much pride you might have thought his son had. . . I don't know . . . gone back to school or maybe gotten a job or even moved out of the house.
When that voice in the back of your head tells you to run, you probably should!
Friday, February 10, 2006
Too little, much too late.
The Prayer of Jabez falls short in Africa
by David Batstone
Bruce Wilkinson, author of the best-selling book The Prayer of Jabez, made a big splash nearly four years ago when he announced his ambitious plan to help children suffering from AIDS in Africa.
Not everything for Wilkinson has gone according to plan, unfortunately. A page one feature in the Dec. 19 The Wall Street Journal captures the sad tale in a nutshell: "In 2002 Bruce Wilkinson, a Georgia preacher whose self-help prayer book had made him a rich man, heard God's call, moved to Africa and announced his intention to save one million children left orphaned by the AIDS epidemic. In October [2005], Wilkinson resigned in a huff from the African charity he founded. He abandoned his plan to house 10,000 children in a facility that was to be an orphanage, bed-and-breakfast, game reserve, Bible college, industrial park and Disneyesque tourist destination in the tiny kingdom of Swaziland. What happened in between is a story of grand hopes and inexperience, divine inspiration and human foibles. ¿[H]is departure left critics convinced he was just another in a long parade of outsiders who have come to Africa making big promises and quit the continent when local people didn't bend to their will."
It is not my aim to gloat at Wilkinson's failure. To the contrary, I mourn what this means for the millions of African children in crisis who apparently will not benefit from his efforts. I also want to honor Wilkinson's desire to help the least fortunate. It would have been easy for him to take the wealth he gained from his book sales and live a life of personal comfort.
This chain of events, however, should not pass without a moment of theological reflection. The "blessed life" that Wilkinson has helped to promote carries with it a number of assumptions about where God is present in the world, and how God acts in response to the prayers of the faithful.
The Prayer of Jabez is based on a passage out of the book of Chronicles, in which a devoted man named Jabez asks God for a favor: "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from hurt and harm!" The fact that God honors Jabez' prayer and blesses him with great riches indicates to Wilkinson a God-principle. If we in pure heart ask God for a blessing - and do so using the very words that Jabez prayed - then God will bring wondrous gifts into our life. As The Wall Street Journal reports, Wilkinson interprets the wild commercial success of his books (roughly 20 million copies sold combined) as yet another proof of the miraculous power of the Jabez prayer. In other words, it worked for Jabez, it worked for Wilkinson, and now it should work for you. With the fiasco in Africa now behind him - and the full Journal report makes clear that fiasco is the appropriate term - I wonder if Wilkinson has reconsidered his theology.
Maybe because I spent so many years in poor regions of the globe I could never accept the prayer-in-blessing-out approach to faithful living. Straight to the point, I have known too many devoted Christians for whom life did not bring them material blessing. Their children still died of infectious diseases that plagued their village. They could not avoid the violence that dictators and ideologues so often use to cow the powerless. Their territory did not expand because their only path for survival was a daily labor with their hands. Yet they did not lose faith, or cease praying for God's blessing.
As I ponder on their lives, I find a more fitting theology for God's presence and action in the world to be laid out in the book of Hebrews. There we are encouraged to have "faith in things not yet seen," and are offered models of individuals who tried to lead devoted lives that honor God. We read that some of them did receive great material blessings, while others ended up in the dens of lions or stoned due to their principled living. We learn, in other words, that God does hear their prayers and loves them profoundly, but it does not always bring them material riches or expanded territory.
Wilkinson's doctrine in fact implies that social structures are immaterial. An individual reciting the right prayer can transcend an AIDS epidemic in his or her village or escape being bought and sold into slavery (like 27 million people on this planet yet today). Perhaps now that Wilkinson has immersed himself in Africa, he better understands that the curse of poverty is not a spiritual punishment, or an indication of a lack of faith. To bring blessings to the orphans and widows of Africa, a dramatic shift in values - political, economic, and personal - will be required. And that challenge cannot be owned by Africans alone; it falls squarely on the shoulders of us in rich nations, who enjoy such great material "blessings."
Just like the next Bible reader, I could pick out individual passages that seem to suggest that God will give us whatever we desire as long as we ask for it with a pure heart. "You can even move this mountain" with such a prayer, as Jesus teaches his disciples in the gospels. I do not summarily discount these passages, nor do I assume that we should never pray for rain in a time of drought.
But the weight of the biblical message balances heavily toward a prayer life that yields courage, love, and compassion to do the will of God. The expectation of material gain and miraculous blessings may even distract us on that pilgrimage. The passage in Hebrews calls us, based on past heroes of the faith, "to run the race in front of us," confident that devoting our lives to God's work is all the reward we will ever need.
I see a rash of North American-Neo-con-evangelicals attempting to make long over due stands on social justice issues. And although some may see this as a "good" thing, I don't. "Isn't them doing something, better than nothing?" I often get asked by my conservative leaning brothers and sisters. The answer is no. Here is the article from the WSJ.
Unanswered Prayers
In Swaziland,
U.S. Preacher Sees
His Dream Vanish
To Push 'Orphan Village';
Rodeo Stars, Safari Guides
December 19, 2005; Page A1
MBABANE, Swaziland -- In 2002 Bruce Wilkinson, a Georgia preacher whose self-help prayer book had made him a rich man, heard God's call, moved to Africa and announced his intention to save one million children left orphaned by the AIDS epidemic.
![[Bruce Wilkinson]](
In October, Mr. Wilkinson resigned in a huff from the African charity he founded. He abandoned his plan to house 10,000 children in a facility that was to be an orphanage, bed-and-breakfast, game reserve, bible college, industrial park and Disneyesque tourist destination in the tiny kingdom of Swaziland.
What happened in between is a story of grand hopes and inexperience, divine inspiration and human foibles. Mr. Wilkinson won churchloads of followers in Swaziland, but left them bereft and confused. He gained access to top Swazi officials, but alienated them with his demands. And his departure left critics convinced he was just another in a long parade of outsiders who have come to Africa making big promises and quit the continent when local people didn't bend to their will.
The setback stunned Mr. Wilkinson, who had grown accustomed to operating on a larger-than-life scale, promising that God would enable him to achieve the impossible. "We're going to see the largest humanitarian religious movement in the history of the world from the U.S. to Africa to help in this crisis," Mr. Wilkinson predicted in June, when he believed his orphan village was about to sprout from the African bush.
Just a few months later, he found himself groping with his failure to make that happen. "I'll put it down as one of the disappointments of my career," he says.
Mr. Wilkinson's life has been all about miracles: He routinely asks God to perform them, and God, he says, routinely does. A solidly built 58-year-old, with silver hair and rimless glasses, Mr. Wilkinson led his nondenominational ministries to explosive growth over three decades, sponsoring thousands of Christian seminars and training battalions of Bible teachers.
![[See a Photo Slideshow]](
But his life took a sharp turn after he wrote "The Prayer of Jabez," a 93-page, $10 tract published in 2000. It is based on a passage in the Bible's book of Chronicles, in which an honorable man named Jabez asked for God's favor. "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, and that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain," Jabez prayed. In the story, God granted his wish.
The lesson, Mr. Wilkinson says, is that God wants believers to ask for blessings. Those who ask -- by reciting Jabez's 33-word prayer -- unleash miracles. Those who don't ask, don't receive.
Squabbling couples should ask for happy marriages, he writes. Business executives should ask for more customers. Stuck in traffic once, Mr. Wilkinson says he asked God to delay his flight so he wouldn't miss a speaking engagement. He made his plane.
Mr. Wilkinson has recited the prayer regularly since he was a seminary student 35 years ago, and credits it for the fact that world-wide he has sold some 22 million copies of his books, including such variants as "The Prayer of Jabez for Teens" and "The Prayer of Jabez Leather Edition."
Moving to Africa
Riding his global celebrity, in 2002 Mr. Wilkinson took a three-week preaching tour of Africa, where he felt the tug of the continent's 20 million orphans, most left parentless by AIDS. As he told soon afterward: "God ripped open our chest, took out our heart, dug a hole in Africa, put it in, covered it with soil and said, 'Now, follow your heart and move down to Africa.' "
Within months, Mr. Wilkinson, his wife and their teenage daughter -- the youngest of three children -- moved from suburban Atlanta to Johannesburg, South Africa. He launched Dream for Africa, a Christian organization aimed at solving the problems of AIDS, poverty, hunger, orphans and spiritual emptiness.
"We asked the question, 'What does God want done with the orphans?' " he said in a June interview with this newspaper. "We don't set a goal based on resources, but on the need."
So he announced that Dream for Africa's goal would be to dramatically improve the lot of one million orphans.
The first step was intended to defeat hunger. Mr. Wilkinson consulted the Book of Genesis, noting that in Eden fruit grew on trees and grain sprang from the soil. "That's God's answer," he remembers thinking.
He recruited American volunteers, in public appearances and on the Web, who paid their own way to Africa to plant hundreds of thousands of vegetable gardens in people's yards. It was, he said, a simple idea professional aid groups had overlooked. "Because I don't come out of this arena of humanitarian aid, I have a fresh pair of eyes," he said in the June interview.
Mr. Wilkinson then turned his attention to preventing HIV transmission. He enlisted American bible-college students and young African volunteers to travel to every one of Swaziland's 172 high schools and hold weeklong film, musical and dramatic programs promoting sexual abstinence. These teams "are the answer to HIV/AIDS," say the group's recruiting materials.
Mr. Wilkinson felt a special kinship for South Africa's poor neighbor, Swaziland. Years earlier, while they still lived in Georgia, the Wilkinsons had sponsored the training of Bible teachers in the mountainous, nominally Christian country of 1.1 million people, more than two-thirds of whom live on less than $1 a day.
In 2002, a group of Swazi pastors arranged for Mr. Wilkinson to have an audience with the country's king, Mswati III. "How can I help you?" he asked the king, according to people who were there. King Mswati listed the country's woes: poverty, AIDS, orphans and joblessness.
The 36-year-old king is a controversial figure, whose 13 wives periodically draw international attention. Criticism of his polygamy stems in part from the fact that Swaziland has the highest HIV prevalence rate in the world, a situation aggravated by promiscuous sexual practices. Researchers estimate 42% of Swazis ages 15 to 49 carry the AIDS virus.
In response to the epidemic, four years ago the king banned sexual relations among Swazis under 18. This year, he lifted the ban and selected a new fiancée -- a 17-year-old student -- at a traditional ceremony, in which thousands of Swazi women danced topless for him. Despite his unease with King Mswati's marital arrangements, Mr. Wilkinson felt he made inroads with the king over a series of visits.
Perhaps Mr. Wilkinson's most successful venture in Swaziland was a conference in June -- funded by a $108,000 grant his group received from the U.S. government -- aimed at engaging churches in the fight against HIV. He sent buses all across the country, to pick up ministers and deliver them to a fancy hotel near Mbabane, the capital city. Dream for Africa arranged for free medical care and eyeglasses for those who showed up.
The result was that some 400 pastors got together and talked about AIDS. In answer to Mr. Wilkinson's admonitions, several ministers stepped forward to repent their own sexual transgressions. The pastors sent Mr. Wilkinson off to a standing ovation, and the U.S. ambassador considered the event a breakthrough in harnessing the church's influence to fight AIDS.
The triumph reinforced Mr. Wilkinson's sense that his destiny lay with Swaziland. Soon afterward, he signed a yearlong lease on a house in Swaziland's Valley of Heaven, where jacaranda trees drop carpets of purple petals around their trunks. With Dream for Africa's guidance, he decided, the country would become the model for the rest of Africa. "We believe we're called to it," he said in June.
It was a moment of peak optimism. There remained just one final piece, Mr. Wilkinson thought, to complete God's plans for Swaziland: a massive tourist-orphan-industrial complex.
Swazi health officials estimate there are 70,000 orphans in the country, the vast majority left so by AIDS. The number is expected to grow to 120,000 in five years. Traditionally, orphans are cared for by relatives or others appointed by village chiefs. But AIDS has gutted entire families, and the 2002 drought left many so strapped for food that some grew reluctant to take in extra children. As a result, tens of thousands of Swazi children now live in households they themselves head.
In Mr. Wilkinson's view, he was called to step in because village chiefs and traditional aid organizations had fallen down on the job. He bypassed small solutions and came up with one on a grand scale, which he called the "African Dream Village." It would provide homes for 10,000 orphans, who would live 20 to a house, with a volunteer Swazi couple in charge and elderly widows as grandmother figures.
Each home would have a bed-and-breakfast suite where tourists would pay $500 a week to stay, combining charity with an African vacation. Fifty such homes would form a mini-village of 1,000 orphans, built around a theme -- such as Wild West rodeos or Swazi village life -- to entertain guests. There would also be a new luxury hotel and an 18-hole golf course. Orphans would be trained as rodeo stars and safari guides at nearby game reserves.
The idea, Mr. Wilkinson said, was to "try to bring experiences to the kids they could only get at Walt Disney or a dude ranch."
The village would have schools, churches, medical centers and a "Mega Farm" to feed everyone. Mr. Wilkinson also planned a bible college, a cannery, a chicken farm, a bicycle factory and a truck-reconditioning plant, with water supplied by a new dam. "They'll be self-sufficient from the day they move in," Mr. Wilkinson said in June.
A $190 Million Price Tag
Dream for Africa put the price tag for the project at $190 million. His group projected the Dream Village would generate $12 million a year in revenue, and would create jobs for five doctors, nine firemen, 12 masons, one entomologist, two wildlife specialists and 68 pastors, among many others.
To enlist support among Swazi power brokers, Mr. Wilkinson turned to Nan Jarvis, a devout Christian who had long run a local flower shop. She says she had prayed for business success and soon found herself supplying arrangements for the king's birthday, and for cabinet ministers and their wives.
A Prayer of Jabez fan, Ms. Jarvis, 52, put her connections to use to help further Mr. Wilkinson's plan. Her devotion to him deepened last year, when, she says, she died and went to heaven. Jesus emerged from a cloud, she says, and told her, "Your time has not yet come. You must go back...Take care of my lambs." It was, she felt, a sign to press ahead with the orphan village.
Ms. Jarvis and Mr. Wilkinson roamed the Swazi countryside until they found the right property: 32,500 acres near two of the country's best game reserves, home to white rhino, crested eagle, warthog, gnu, lion and other species.
Late last year, Mr. Wilkinson asked Ms. Jarvis to tell the king what he had in mind and what he wanted: a 99-year lease on the land and control of both game parks.
In the following months, Mr. Wilkinson pitched his plan to government officials and, he says, secured verbal commitments. In February, the king invited him to tour the small airport near the proposed orphan village. Mr. Wilkinson said an upgrade was imperative because he required an airport big enough to land Boeing 777 jets filled with Western volunteers and tourists.
It wasn't until Feb. 23, however, that Dream for Africa gave the government anything in writing -- a 34-page proposal.
Mr. Wilkinson gave the government five days to approve the plan. "They knew all about this for a long time," he says, explaining the short deadline. Mr. Wilkinson and his aides sent letters to government officials, threatening to take his orphan village to Zambia or South Africa if the Swazis didn't sign up.
In a letter to the prime minister, a project consultant with Mr. Wilkinson's group wrote, "Given the fact that Swaziland has been placed on the heart of DFA by God through devoted prayer, we believe the country has reached a major juncture in its quest to take ownership of its problems and to embrace God's divine will for Swaziland."
The government let the deadline pass. Mr. Wilkinson didn't make good on his threat to go elsewhere.
In April, Ms. Jarvis secured an audience with the king at the palace, where peacocks wander the grounds. As a sign of respect, nobody may rise higher than the king; Swazis approach him on hand and knee. Ms. Jarvis sat at the king's feet in a reception room, spread a map on the floor and pointed out where the hotel, the golf course and the orphans would be located.
"Your majesty, are you happy with this?" Ms. Jarvis recalls asking the king.
She recalls him raising his hand above her head and saying, "You have my blessing." It was, as far as she was concerned, the green light.
Roy Fanourakis, the king's chief of staff, who attended the meeting, says he doesn't remember King Mswati using those exact words. Mr. Fanourakis says that Ms. Jarvis didn't understand that the Swazi king is too polite to give a guest a definitive, "No." The king's response, he says, was a signal Mr. Wilkinson was welcome to help the orphans, but should consult with the government on how.
Mr. Fanourakis had misgivings about the Dream Village concept, shared by many in the cabinet. "You get to an age of 18 years, then what does Bruce do with those kids?" he says.
One problem, he felt, was that if the orphans were removed from their villages, the chiefs would give away the children's land -- their only security. Furthermore, Mr. Wilkinson was asking for big tracts, some of it already committed to other people, Mr. Fanourakis says. The Hlale game park, for instance, was managed by a Swazi environmental group that had run it for decades.
In May, Mr. Wilkinson tried to win the Bush administration to his side. In a convoy of SUVs, he took U.S. Ambassador Lewis Lucke to the proposed site of the Dream Village. Mr. Lucke had served in Haiti, Jordan and Iraq, much of the time with the U.S. Agency for International Development. He admired Mr. Wilkinson's enthusiasm and altruism, but was wary of groups with little overseas history claiming to know the answers for Africa.
A few days later, Mr. Lucke showed up at Mr. Wilkinson's door and told him he considered it unwise to move orphans away from their villages. "It's laudable that you're trying to do something about Swazi orphans," Mr. Lucke told Mr. Wilkinson, according to both men. "But do it in a way that doesn't conflict with Swazi culture."
Mr. Wilkinson felt the situation was so urgent that the time for cautious measures had passed. Mr. Lucke wasn't persuaded, and he didn't think the Swazi government would be either. "You'll never get the land," he warned.
The ambassador's words seemed prophetic a couple of weeks later, when a Dream for Africa draft plan found its way into Swazi newspapers, turning public opinion sharply against Mr. Wilkinson. Under the headline "British Colony or Dr Bruce Colony?" one op-ed writer in the Swazi News wrote, "Why can't he simply tell us that he wants to be given the whole country so that he can gloat to his friends overseas that he owns a modern day colony in Africa called Swaziland?"
Touching a Nerve
In a country where land ownership provokes deep emotions, Mr. Wilkinson's request for a prime tract touched a nerve. Colonizers offered previous royals mirrors and other trinkets in exchange for land. In the 1970s, a British evangelist won the support of King Mswati's father, promised do-good projects that turned out to be hoaxes and ran off with the money people had donated.
"Are We Really a Nation of Fools?" asked an op-ed in the Times of Swaziland, after the Dream for Africa plan surfaced.
The outrage spread to organizations that Mr. Wilkinson had accused of failing the orphans. "The history of these kinds of grand-scale 'social engineering' experiments is not very promising," Alan Brody, an American who headed the local Unicef office, told the Times of Swaziland. "So I have deep misgivings about Swaziland making itself the guinea pig for this kind of experimentation."
Unicef's strategy is to fund neighborhood stations, where orphans receive two meals a day, six days a week.
The criticism stung Mr. Wilkinson. He considered the attacks evidence that the aid establishment was too self-interested. "From my point of view, they aren't concerned enough about the kids who are living without anybody," he said days after Mr. Brody's remarks.
Swazis even became suspicious of Mr. Wilkinson's other, more popular endeavors. In one town, an American volunteer wore latex gloves while planting a Dream for Africa garden, and rumors spread that the group was intentionally planting seedlings infected with HIV. As many as 100 families ripped up their gardens. The agriculture minister issued a statement debunking the rumor, but it persisted for months.
The government and Dream for Africa continued negotiating in private. "Swaziland takes a massive amount of effort to do the simplest things," Mr. Wilkinson wrote in an email to this newspaper in July.
As Mr. Wilkinson's frustration mounted, Ms. Jarvis tried to arrange a decisive meeting between him and King Mswati during the monarch's visit to New York in September. Mr. Wilkinson, then spending a few months in the U.S., juggled his schedule and flew to New York.
The king's chief of staff, Mr. Fanourakis, agreed to set up the audience, but only at a time that would have required Mr. Wilkinson to wait in New York a few extra days.
The perceived snub was, Mr. Wilkinson says, his snapping point. He left New York without seeing the king and soon afterward let his inner circle know that he was done with Swaziland, done with Africa and done with Dream for Africa.
In October, Dream for Africa issued a press release in the U.S. under the headline: "Dream for Africa Expands its Leadership." It announced Mr. Wilkinson's resignation, and his replacement by a Toronto marketing executive. Dream for Africa would continue "its meteoric rise in popularity" through the gardens and abstinence training, the release said. It didn't mention Mr. Wilkinson's decision to abandon the orphan-village project.
"With the successful launch of Dream for Africa, my family and I feel our work in Africa is complete," the press release quoted Mr. Wilkinson as saying. In an internal email, he told his staff that, to his great regret, God had directed him to leave Africa.
A Dream for Africa spokeswoman estimates the group raised about $500,000 this year, most of it for the gardens and the abstinence programs. Mr. Wilkinson says he put his own money into Dream for Africa projects, but he declines to say how much.
Word of Mr. Wilkinson's decision slowly reached Swaziland, where it dismayed his followers. "I don't know how to handle this," said Rev. Zakes Nxumalo. "People won't understand; to them Bruce is everything," he added. "How can he leave everything in the middle of the road?" asked 22-year-old Gcina Mdluli, who has taken a vow of sexual abstinence and now volunteers full-time in Mr. Wilkinson's school anti-AIDS programs.
Mr. Wilkinson says that he blames neither God nor man. He says he weeps when he thinks of his disappointed acolytes, and is trying to come to grips with a miracle that didn't materialize despite his unceasing recitation of the Jabez prayer.
"I asked hard enough," he added, his gaze drifting upward. "All we can do is ask God what to do, ask him to help us in the doing of it, and work as hard and wisely as we can. Somewhere in this it's got to be all right to attempt a vision that didn't work and not to make it an overwhelming failure."
And that is the problem with most evangelicals, they think they know best. That their vision is the right and only vision. Dr. Wilkinson's flaw was to come into a foreign land thinking he had what they needed. He didn't listen. Not to the people of Swaziland, nor I'm affraid to God. This continued disdain North American Evangelicals show towards the worlds relief community, by starting their own "christian" programs, instead of partnering with those that know best, is as in the case of Dr. Wilkinson, only going to backfire on themselves.Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Grammy Recap 2006
Gorilaz and Magg - I don't know how the heck they did that, but seeing a live performance of the Gorilaz' was absolutly AMAZING. I typically only "mark out" when I watch pro-wrestling, but this performance made me jump out of my seat. Truly a "WTF" moment. Not even Madona coming out from under the stage could stop me from being astonished abouting see the cartoons perform live. The segway into Madona was seemless. I know it's just the first act of the night, but I have a feeling it's gonna be very hard to beat.
Coldplay - Nothing spectacular, but not bad.
John Legend - What a joy to see this artist do what he does best. For his age, he is an outstanding performer. Any chance to see him live won't disappoint.
Sugarland - Yeah no offense to my neighbors out here in Greentucky, but the country artists and awards could be done along side the best polka song. I wasn't that impressed.
U2/Mary J Blige - Wow, what a flop. Not even the Godmother of hip-hop could save this performance. I'm a huge fan, but this was bad. Just bad. Bono seemed like he had forgotten the melodies and the lyrics to both songs. Bono should stick to what he does best at this point in his life, saving the world.
Kelly Clarkson - I don't watch American Idol much, but it seems with the lack of true star power the show has produced since season one (oh yeah girls, Clay is gay) they just got damn lucky with Kelly. She nailed her performance. I am curious about one thing, that girl playing the piano for her looked like she was 11 years old.
Paul McCartney - Some people should just stick to playing their old hits and Paul is one of them. Although I had never heard the first song before tonight, it reminded me of the older Beatles stuff. I'm sure it goes over well across the pond. Oh good, he played Helter Skelter. In his old age he just can't bolt out the rock anymore. His twenty something back up band did a smash bang job of backing him up. They just needed someone about 30 years younger than Paul to sing lead vocals.
Mariah Carrey ~ I'm glad she's gotten over her "crazies". This has been the best female performance of the night. Not sure how I liked the Hezichaiah walker preaching in the middle of the song. Doesn't matter, she did such a great job of fronting the choir I can ignore him and appriciate he abilities.
Keith Urban/Faith Hill - I'm just a sucker for an accustic guitar. Mr. Urban is extremely talented. As Renee said, "Country music artists just have raw talent." This is truly the case for Keith. His performance was outstanding. Mrs. Hill did a fine job as well. What was more impressive about her set was the fact the Urban came down to play lead guitar and do vocals. It was a good pairing.
Josh Stone/John Legend/Matt Hunt/Fantasia/Some Tattoed Freak from American Idol/Maron 5/Ciara/ Perry/Steven Tyler/Robert Randolph/Sly and the Family Stone - This tribute to Sly and the Family Stone had it's ups and downs. Pretty much on the whole this would have been great. It's just the white people that brought down the over all performance. Could have done with out the white people. Well accept for Josh Stone of course. She is a power house. And who was that tattoed freack with Fantasia? Was he on Idol? He was way out of place. Steven T. and Joe P. where equally out of place. The only thing that saved their time on stage was Robert Randolph playing with them. Randolph is freakishly soulful. This was decent, not as good as last years jam to honor Earth, Wind and Fire.
Jay-Z/Lincon Park/Paul Mcartny - I saw Jay-z and LP in Phili during the Live8 Concert. Both experiences where great. Jay is one of the best Rappers of all time. Breaking into Yesterday with Sir Paul coming on stage was a great touch. But I love the smash=up stuff. This performance was different and that works well with me.
Bruce Springstein - In this era of being apolitical just to get by in the entertainment industry, it's always refreshing to hear from a true american story teller. Bruce is the boss. Tonights performance reminds me of his earlier albums like Nebraska. Again I love the singer/song writer combo and Bruce lives up to his image. One of the few performances of the evening I would love to have on my iPod.
Kanye West/Jamie Foxx - Kanye and Jamie are just fun. The step artists where great. It has to be difficult to rap a cappela like Kanye did. I enjoyed this performance.
Herbie Hancock/ Christina Agularia - Weirdeness aside, Christina has proven once again that her talent sets her far above the other bubble gum pop princess. This was an amazing performance. You really can't call this a smash-up duo, because Christina grew up singing the blues. So the combination of her and an incredible jazz pianist like Herbie is more natural than most would think.
Okay, I fell alseep at this point. Thank God for TiVo. Now some time today I'll have to watch Lost.
Friday, February 03, 2006
How to be a good parent when you already have great kids.
Emily is UBER-intelligent! Some times almost to a fault. She is constantly asking questions about the world around her to gain more knowledge. She is an information sponge. She not only wants to absorb as much information as humanly possible, just to say she has the knowledge, she wants to do something with it once she gets it. She also has a keen sense of her social surroundings. She is a leader amongst her peer group at school and keeps in vigil contact with old friends back in Ohio.
Noah is perfect little man. Well, what man is perfect? But he comes very close and has lots of time to refine himself before making his mark on the world. He plays video games constantly. At times this can be a major distraction from other responsibilities of life. But he is amazing. At eight years old he can tell you everything you never wanted to know about Pokemon. What "type" each Pokemon is. What attacks work on which characters and what attacks don't. It really is mind blowing all the information he can store in his little head. He is also one of the most emotionally well balanced boys I have ever met. He is just as comfortable crawling up in his moms lap for cuddle time, as he is demanding about his "wrestle" time with me. With so many high school and college girls in his life because of my job, there have always been jokes about girls "waiting" for Noah until he is older. Although the girls have been joking, there is some major truth to the fact that one day this little man is going to make some lucky young woman extremely happy.
And then there is Jamie. Oldest of the bunch. And at thirteen she is the one that is clearly most like her mom and most like her dad all at the same time. Her thirst for justice is just as unquenchable as her mothers and she wears her compassion for others the same place her father does, on her sleeve. Yesterday she told me of an assignment for her English class that involves her writing five paragraphs on a current controversy subject. She was struggling what to write on, because for her their are way to many choices. Does she write about the plight of street kids in Brazil? The AIDS pandemic in Africa? Or the forgotten victims of 2004 Tsunami in Thailand? Eventually she decided to write about the oppression of the Tibetan people in China. She wanted to write about Google and their recent decision to cut a deal with the PRC (Peoples Republic of China), that will allow Google to set up shop on the Chinese Internet as long as they filter "sensitive" information from the people in China. She also wanted to write about the upcoming 2008 Olympic games that will be held in Beijing. And how some want to protest the games on account of the Governments cruel treatment of the Tibetan people.
She also decided she wanted to take a personal stance against Google and the IOC (International Olympic Committee) by boycotting both. As a parent I'm trying to teach her that change, no matter in what the context, happens through relationships. When you sever relationships or communication with those you oppose or want to help, you limit your ability to be a change agent in their lives. By Google having a presence in the Chinese market they are establishing a relationship with it's people and helping them gain access to other information. With out this access the sparks of freedom may never be lit in China's people. Asking our US Olympic athletes to not attend the games is taking away from them, not only a life's dream, but a world stage for them to share their views on the PRC's human rights violations.
So we worked on a plan. I helped her set up her first blog. USOlympicTibetInfo. Over the next year she is going to blog factual information about China, it's human rights violations against Tibet, the IOC's reasons for taking the games to Beijing and other information US athletes competing in the games can use to educate themselves about the issue. Then, the following year when members of the US team are announced, she will start emailing and sending letters to team members encouraging them to visit the site and become informed.
I've found over the years with my Neo-conservative friends, that they will respect your liberal views when you have taken action on them. It's much easier for them to respect someone like Bono, who not only talks about ending poverty but puts his own time and money into doing something about it, than it is for them to respect Al Franken who just sits in a studio and flaps his gums all day.
As I have political conversations with friends and family, I am constantly predicting that in our countries future there will be an economic depression that will make "the Great Depression" look like a week at Disney World. I do think this country is amazing, but it has a poor record of learning from it's past mistakes. As a nation we have become producers of nothing and consumers of everything. As I look at my children however, I see a light at the end of that tunnel. So America look out! 2040 will see the emergence of "Team Williams"! Presidential candidate and first woman President Emily Williams-(something), flanked by passionate policy advisor and Secretary of State Jamie Williams (still not married) and Noah Williams international action movie star and Nobel prize winning poet.
A dad can dream, can't he?
In truth, Jamie wants to teach English to street kids in Brazil, Emily wants to be a pastry chef and Noah is still trying to figure out what job in life pays you to play video games all day long. No matter what they want to accomplish in life, my resolution is to help them get there. That's what parents should do!