Sometimes people say the dumbest things. So dumb in fact that it makes you want to throw down some Kung-Fu on their behinds. At some point I'm sure this blog will make you feel that way.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

What a great week of TV! (or) Moving on. . .

Three great quotes this week from the world of television:

"It's the church, so you know they will be judging you." Edie Brit, Desperate Housewifes neighborhood slut, made this comment to her archrival Susan's (Teri Hatchers character) daughter, who was trying to decide which woman she would let accomapny her vocal performance at their churches "family" talent show.

"It's Jesus on the phone and he wants to know what color of car you want." This quote from Lost, comes from a flashback scene of Hugo's mom berating him about his pathetic life, while at the same time telling him how Jesus will help him lose weight, find a girl friend and get a better job.

"I'm not a religous person at all. But I'm not going to object to it, that would be stupid. You'ld be stupid to say, like, "You know what guys, I don't want to thank Jesus for this meal, thanks." Because then they would vote me right out." Brian from the Yaxha tribe on Survivor , talking about his experience with his tribemates wanting to pray before every meal and every challenge. Jesus must not have liked his tribe that day. They prayed, but still lost the immunity challenge.

You know it's a good week to be watching TV when the funniest lines about the church just don't come from the Daily Show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I love the Daily Show...
